GA Conference 2022 - propose a session

I'd love for you - yes you - to consider submitting a session for the 2022 GA Conference.

It's going to be an excellent event, and a chance to meet with colleagues once again or engage with a hybrid or online conference depending on your personal circumstances around Easter 2022.

The theme is 'Everyday Geographies' which I hope offers a broad range of options for things to talk about and share.

If you've never thought about being involved in the conference as a speaker before, it's a great way to feel a much greater part of the event. I've been presenting regularly since 2005, and it always adds a little element of adrenaline / fear / exhilaration when you take part. It also looks great on your CV and can contribute to other professional development you may want to get involved in, or for CGeog applications, for example, or the GA's Professional Passport. Every geography teacher should present at the GA conference at least once. There's also options for sharing research in the Teacher to Teacher sessions.

Details of the process are here, on the GA website:

Session review procedure

Each session proposal will be reviewed by members of the Conference Planning Board and will be assessed using the following criteria:
  • Relevance of the session to the Presidential theme – Everyday geographies
  • Suitability of the session to the proposed format
  • Overall session content
  • Relevance of the session to the geography teaching community
  • Clarity of proposal
Session proposals are assessed on a five point scale and session proposals are accepted or rejected on the basis of the total average score, although there is some scope for manouevre here.

Please note the similarity of proposals to other sessions in the programme is also considered. You may be asked to make revisions to your session or to combine with other speakers offering similar ideas.

There is also a tremendous jigsaw puzzle to do as well to ensure that the programme has plenty for every delegate - linked to different key stages, pathways, current priorities and other elements of the conference format, along with the Young Geographers' strand to curate as well.

If you have any other questions about the conference and submitting an entry, please get in touch.
