Blogosphere map
Still following up the dizzying set of avenues to follow after the TEACHMEET.
One of the presentations I didn't get the chance to hear was Theo Kuechel's presentation on Canaletto and contextualising digital assets.
Exploring Theo's DIGITAL SIGNPOSTS blog, I came across this excellent post on teachers working IN ISOLATION.
A few brief extracts that caught my attention on why teachers continue to work alone....
Is it through choice or by design? Perhaps a bit of both, a hangover from a 19th (20th) century transmissive model of learning, that takes place in closed spaces, which dictate the pedagogy; offering, (until very recently), little or no means of communication with; peers, the class next door or the outside world. Simultaneously, the discrete nature of ‘subjects’ allied with the, (perfectly justifiable), pride in being an acknowledged expert' in a subject or field, may encourage teachers to see themselves as independent and self reliant. Nothing wrong with that of course. Finally, and most importantly, the expectations of the diverse stakeholders in the education system, that include government, its curriculum and testing, together with parents and employers in turn influenced by media perceptions and representations of education and learning, will exert pressures to maintain the status quo.
One of the key aspects of my new role at the GA is to build professional networks to try to reach those teachers who are still unaware of the support mechanisms that exist out there with the rise of the "social web". It can also get a little time consuming and exhausting to follow up leads.
For example, how about Alan Levine's 50 WAYS TO TELL A STORY post at CoGDOGBLOG (complete with mp3 download) - you don't just have to look at GEOGRAPHY sites to find useful content...
Let's keep talking...
To finish, here's a lyric that sprang to mind as I wrote this post:
I'm in a groove now
Or is it a rut?
I need some feedback
But all the lines are cut
Or is it a rut?
I need some feedback
But all the lines are cut
from the song "Face Up" on the album 'Counterparts' by Rush (Lyrics: Neil Peart)
Get some feedback, open the lines of communication...