ArcGIS Explorer Online

or AGXO as it's also known...

Can I advise you to take a look at this tool to see what is possible, as ESRI moves towards 'cloud based' GIS.
At Thursday's ESRI / GA course in London we explored this tool in the afternoon as an alternative to DigitalWorlds if there happened to be a need for a 'Plan B' due to other technical issues. This is able to make use of the shapefiles (or sub-sets of them) which come with the programme, or have been obtained from the OS Open Data release.

Here's one of the delegate feedback forms from the event, which was matched by the others..

Watch this space for the latest news on any planned events to follow up...
Watch this space for more on this exciting development too...

Fits nicely alongside other mapping solutions such as Digimap for Schools.

A reminder here of Graeme Eyre's work on MAPPING Migration which uses the tool.

You can also check out Joseph Kerski's slides from his GA Conference Workshop, which was done using ArcGis Explorer Online
