Portugal Trip - Post 3

Been a while since Post 2
Here's the 3rd post describing my trip to Portugal at the start of the summer break for those who might be interested...

Another 40 degree plus day of heat was forecast, and indeed happened. Going outside was a bit of an ordeal, and involved walking slowly and keeping in the shade.

Session 4 started with an introduction to the idea of teacher’s creativity, and a discussion of whether creativity could be taught. I used the video of a composer who saw a large group of birds sitting on a wire, and then turned their position into musical notes. It’s embedded above.

I also introduced the idea of a balloon debate, and we had an entertaining session where colleagues were arguing a case for their subject to remain in the curriculum, which got them thinking about the role of education and their subject’s place in it. I shared some of the thinking that we at the GA did when involved in the Action Plan for Geography.
The final Action Plan for Geography report is available to download from here (PDF download)

Session 5 featured the idea of the capabilities approach and the idea of curriculum making. This was drawn from the work that I did on GeoCapabilities, which is an EU funded project that I am involved with, through the making of ESRI StoryMaps, and the development of new curriculum materials.
This led to a discussion on the Capabilities approach, and how our pedagogy could develop these capabilities. For more on this with a geography focus, check out David Lambert’s inaugural lecture ‘Lost in the Post’, which has some interesting messages relating to the importance of Geography.

Session 6 after lunch featured a video that was made to publicise the International school that forms part of King’s Ely, which was fortunately available with Turkish subtitles.
I also shared some ideas on curriculum artefacts, and their importance. The original plan was to have students producing their own, but this was adapted.

We visited O Raposo in the evening, and had the fish, and I had another chance to cool down in the pool and taste some local wines.
A long and productive day.
