Swatch Nature and more...

Back in the day when we created the first Mission:Explore book, we had hundreds of ideas, some of which were chosen by our 'focus group' of young people and made their way into the seminal orange book which can still be picked up on Amazon for a few pounds (there are still a few copies out there in the wild)
One of the missions we called 'Swatch nature' (a little like watch nature) and with the added ingredient of a paint chart from a DIY store. We were responsible for a lot of Focus and Homebase stores seeing a lot of paint charts disappearing probably, so sorry for that...)
I came across an artist who had a similar creative focus for a project she was involved in a while back.
This is an excellent example of the maxim that you can't copyright a good idea... We've both had the same creative response to a spark of a thought...
