GA Conference 2019 - Post #10 - Teachmeet

The first full day of the GA Conference 2019 ended with the Teachmeet.
As always, this featured 10 or so short inputs from people who had volunteered to stand up in front of their peers. These included

Richard Allaway produced a live stream for the Teachmeet... 

It can be watched here.
I'm on around 51 minutes in...

Here's the details of the talks as they went up on the Eventbrite page:

Robin Bailey // Every Day Geography // Engaging young minds in developing a love for subject without realising it.

Kate Stockings - shared some ideas on her teaching

Susan Pike // Primary Geographers: A 5 minute celebration of what primary pupil are capable of // I'll outline the amazing capabilities of primary aged pupils.

Ali Murray - some ideas around As, Bs, and Cs...

Lucy Fryer // Geography Games...twisting conventional games to celebrate geography // 'Traditional' games have been taken and twisted to be relevant in the classroom. Hopefully enabling students (and staff) to have fun whilst learning...celebrating how much fun geography can be!

Denise Freeman // Exploring student perceptions of place // Celebrating the importance of taking young people’s lived experiences into account in geography.

Kit Rackley // Geography: "Will You Marry Me"? // My GAConf19 lecture will detail the success-stories thanks to Geography in the more traditional way. The "TeachMeet" version will include these stories and others into verse... Embedded within a general lyrical love letter to the subject that we all hold dear.

Watch it on the Teachmeet feed or the link above.
Here are the lyrics:


Take my hand and walk with me
Because I have something to say, something to confess
You are my life, my world, my inspiration
No matter the landscape, you allow me to express
My love for you
Like Attenborough you have the charming ‘voice of god’
Like Rosling you use fact and reality to keep me sane
Like Dian Fossey you’re courageous, brave and saintly
Geography: will you marry me?
Geography you instil awe, wonder, belief and hope
You keep us motivated to learn, to teach for decades and beyond
Whether it’s north-west London or the African plains
You connect us, and the world easily corresponds
You inspire youth, you regenerate the old
You’re a problem solver, an open-thinker, a memory-maker
I want to preach your complex beauty
Geography: will you marry me?
I will travel to the ends of the Earth for you
And yet, you carry me through life even when I put it on hold
I’ve seen mountains, oceans, concrete jungles through your eyes
You’ve shown me how desert valleys can turn green
A sight to behold
When human and physical elements coexist your true beauty shines
You help me understand that with symbiosis we are truly alive 
We can achieve
The sound of howling wolves sing me to sleep and in my dreams,
again, you make me believe
And you helped me find myself; showed me who I truly am
Showed me cultures and places which love and accept me
By the Bay, under the golden bridge; beyond the binaryGeography: you are the champion of inclusivity and diversityWill you marry me?
Geography you gave me a calling and a purpose
You gave me strength and resilience
Through biodiversity, wilderness and conservation
And then illness struck me…
My body began to give in and my mind was surely to follow
But Geography, I let you back in and I took a deep breath
And listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am
I inch outside into the countryside and its air washes over me
Where my chair cannot take me and my boots stay cold and bare
You lift and carry me and I again can start to feel free
Geography, please never leave
Will you marry me
Luke Hinchliffe // The understanding/applying geography // Geography isn't knowledge it is all about celebrating what geography is all about not knowing but understanding applying geography to the world around us.

Caiti Walter // Using Nearpod to explore tectonics in an interactive way // Marrying technology that is, literally, at learners' fingertips with geographical exploration means that celebration by students is twofold; they love the software but they often love the geography more.

Catherine Owen // Clarity and consistency in KS3 geography lessons // KS3 can be a neglected area. How can we make our KS3 lessons worth celebrating?

Josh Sutheran // Everyday Geography // Celebrating the everyday value of geography. How can I make my day to day life relatable to geography in the classroom?

Alan Parkinson // Learning a lesson from History  - I shared my new blog, which explores the lives of all the former GA Presidents - this will grow over the next two years.

A few images by Shaun Flattery from the official Conference photo album:

Images: Copyright Shaun Flannery / Geographical Association
