Queuing for Beginners

Queuing for Beginners - National Library Board Singapore - OverDriveJoe Moran is a Professor of English and Cultural History at John Moores University in Liverpool.

He has written several books which I have very much enjoyed reading, and which have also contained a fair bit of geography, with a focus on the quotidian (or everyday) which will also influence the theme for my own Presidential year.

I've been re-reading the book to inform some of the work I've been doing during half term.

Plenty more to come on this theme of the quotidian in 2021.

Nor do we perceive the familiar. It is not as if we shrink from it, as we do in the case of refuse; we just take it for granted without giving it a thought. Intimate faces, streets we walk day by day, the house we live in – all these things are part of us like our skin, and because we know them by heart we do not know them with the eye.’
Siegfried Kracauer
