National Fieldwork Week Ideas #19: Explore the Crown Estate

Throughout May I shall share ideas for National Fieldwork Week - one per day...

Find out more about National Fieldwork Week here. 

The Crown Estate owns large areas of land, and property in the UK. They are heavily involved in offshore wind as they own large parts of the coastline and land off the shore.

The website describes the Crown Estate as follows:

The Crown Estate is a unique business with a diverse portfolio that stretches across the country.

It includes some of London’s best places to work, shop and experience, regional retail and leisure destinations, and a substantial rural portfolio. We manage the seabed and half the foreshore around England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and play a fundamental role in the sustainable development of this national asset, including the UK’s world-leading offshore wind sector. We are also custodians of the Windsor Estate, including the world renowned Windsor Great Park.

Established by an Act of Parliament, we are tasked with generating profit for the Treasury for the benefit of the nation’s finances. This has totalled £3bn over the last ten years.

They have a useful website which features data downloads. These are now hosted on a new Open Data portal, so previous links I have shared have changed.

Useful for some virtual fieldwork perhaps, or to plan an actual trip.

What is your nearest piece of Crown Estate property?

The week has the theme of CHANGE.

If you do use this, or any other of the ideas I share, please let us know about what you do. We will be asking people to share their outcomes in various ways. Remember that the theme is CHANGE.

Use the hashtag: #nationalfieldworkweek
