National Fieldwork Week Ideas #9: Aerial Photo Explorer

Throughout May I shall share ideas for National Fieldwork Week - one per day...

Find out more about National Fieldwork Week here. 

This Historic England Aerial Photo Explorer was launched a month or so ago, and has tens of thousands of historic aerial views of the UK, all searchable on an interactive map.

Since the theme of the week is CHANGE, exploring and mapping change in your own local area would make sense.

Images can than be embedded and shared on various social media, such as Twitter...

Here is an image of a location I'm going to be exploring in early July, as shown in 1928, for example.

If you do use this, or any other of the ideas I share, please let us know about what you do. We will be asking people to share their outcomes in various ways. Remember that the theme is CHANGE.

Use the hashtag: #nationalfieldworkweek
