Topical Talk Festival

The Economist is an excellent resource for the geography teacher. I am fortunate in that my school library has a subscription to the digital and print versions, for use by students - particularly those in the 6th form as we have courses in Business and Economics.

Podcasts are a common platform for magazines to expand their message.

Here are details of their Topical Talk Festival.

Join us from October 31st to December 16th for Topical Talk Festival, a global conversation between schools and leading topic experts on the top news stories and issues of our time.

Packed with inspiring activities, online events and awards for thoughtful conversations and ideas, the Festival gives your students the chance to: 
  • Connect with classrooms across the world
  • Engage with leading professionals and topic experts
  • Gain recognition for their school on a global stage
Some resources are already available, with more to come.
