Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference 2023 #1

I'm fresh back from the Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference and over the next few weeks I will be posting about the experience and sharing some of the things that I discovered from the sessions I attended, and discussions with other delegates.

I have said many times on this blog how many secondary teachers don't fully recognise the depth of scholarship and thoughtful practice that takes place within the primary phase.

Primary geography education is NOT just preparing students for secondary education. It is foundational and requires a lot of deep thinking and varied pedagogy.

The Conference is also a forum for geography teacher educators to share their research, and also updates on the parlous state of ITE thanks to constant government meddling and goalpost moving - along with reductions in funding and job insecurity.

It takes place in the Quaker retreat of Charney Manor in Oxfordshire in the Vale of the White Horse. It's a special place. 

More to come in further blog posts.
