Yi Fu Tuan

A freely shared article on Yi Fu Tuan's work for 'Geographical Review' - free PDF download at the time of posting.

It features some excellent quotes from his work, some of which I'd read before in books such as Tim Cresswell's wonderful 'Maxwell Street'.

From A View of Geography (1991)

On the classic definition of geography as the study of the Earth as the home of humankind.

“Of the three key terms in the definition of geography, home occupies the central position, and it can perhaps be argued that to the degree that geographers move from the idea of home, they shift from the core of their field” (Tuan 1991, 101)

“I like this definition for a number of reasons, one of which is that it makes immediately clear that geography, for all the technical sophistication of its specialized subfields, is not remote or esoteric knowledge, but rather a basic human concern” (Tuan 1991, 99)

Plenty more of interest in the article....
