COP28 Competition opportunity

An opportunity for older students in your school from Oxford University's Saïd Business School.

The next generation will inherit a planet suffering from the extreme effects of climate change, in ways we do not yet understand. We do know that no country, continent or community will be left untouched. From the devastation wrought by drought and flood, threatening the supply of food and water, to the ever-rising number of climate change refugees, tomorrow’s leaders will have significant climate change challenges to contend with.

Burjeel Holdings, one of the leading healthcare providers in the Middle East, is an organisation committed to protecting life. Oxford Saïd, one of Europe's leading business schools, is committed to giving future business leaders the tools and knowledge to innovate in creating a better, safer, cleaner world. That is why, together, we have launched a global competition for today's teachers and tomorrow’s leaders, entrepreneurs and change makers, that seeks to protect life on Earth.

We want to inspire high school students and teachers across the world to bring their innovation, creativity and problem-solving skills, in generating unique solutions to tackle this crisis, whether at a local, national or global level.

In their entries, we are asking entrants to respond to one of five key climate change challenges:

  • air pollution
  • extreme weather events
  • food security
  • the spread of disease carried by insects
  • water scarcity


Greetings of the day!

🙏🏿 As that of BBC correspondent Richard Black comment on Cop 12 summit,declaring delegates to be climate tourist and COP 25,2019 summit venue change drama from Brazil to Chile & finally upto Madrid,certainly technology were being used for entertainment.Icebergs are melting due to global warming indeed,however failing to provide clean glacier drinking water accessibility to the global civilizations being the crucial reason.