Professor Denys Brunsden - an appreciation

Via Anjana Khatwa on Instagram, I heard of the passing of Professor Denys Brunsden, GA President for 1986.
(The link goes to his entry on the GA Presidents blog)

Denys did a great deal for the Association and for the wider subject, particular with regards to geomorphology.

Condolences to Denys' friends and colleagues and particular to his family: Elizabeth, Martin and Judith.

Several people have already been sharing their memories of Denys. Thanks to Philip Anderson.

He was a significant figure in the eventual World Heritage Listing of the Jurassic Coast.

I have been asked to collate an appreciation of Denys for a future GA journal, and would welcome any memories of Denys, his work and his impact on you personally. I can't promise to include them all, but with your permission they could be added here as updates to this post. 

You can contact me as a comment, on my email or as a DM on Twitter or some other way.
