An Opinion piece by Tim Lang (who developed the idea of food miles amogst other things) in The Guardian.
He reminds us of our unpreparedness when it comes to food security. We just assume the food will keep arriving.
But our food systems faces many threats:
Think energy outages, ransomware attacks, AI/bot attacks, internet failure, chokepoints and trade disruption. Think geopolitical downturn, the spread of war and overt conflicts, and disinformation-led public panics. In addition, there are all the impacts of climate heating: biodiversity loss, too much or too little water, and soil erosion.
He references the Food Foundation's January 2025 report: The Broken Plate which looks at our food system, and its problems.
See the statistic below for example.
He also mentions the Yorkshire based Fix our Food campaign, which started in 2021.