A project that I've been involved in for over a year will finally see the light of day soon and the first of the three books has just become available and ready for ordering from the Collins website.
It's the 4th edition of a textbook for the newly updated iGCSE Geography specification.
I was involved with the first edition while working for the Geographical Association.
Along with this student book - which is the 4th edition, written for the new Cambridge iGCSE Geography specification, there is also a Teacher's Guide, which contains lesson plans and extra resources, plus answers for all the questions in the book.
The textbook has been approved for the Cambridge Pathway.
There is also a Workbook which has been written by Becky Kitchen. This contains extra work on iGCSE Skills along with exam style questions and other activities.
These other two books will be out in April.
I'm proud to have worked as a Series Editor on the three books in the series.
Special thanks to my fellow authors John Rutter, Rob Bircher, Becky Kitchen and my colleague Claire Kyndt.
Thanks also to Cathy, Roisin, Letitia and particularly Lucy from Collins, and others involved in copy editing and design. It's been a team effort.
Thanks also to Cambridge for their prompt and helpful feedback.
I'm looking forward to seeing the first hard copies.
If you're at the GA Conference in April, go and see the Collins stand in the exhibition space and take a look - I shall be there on the Wednesday afternoon.