My World in 60 Seconds

We have had a few queries regarding the format of MINI DV that is needed for the MY WORLD IN 60 SECONDS competition entries.
This adds a slight complication for some possible entrants, but the reason that we have asked for this format is that we need the final "master tape" that is used on the big screens to retain as much as possible of the original picture and sound information. Other video formats would be compressed, which would remove picture detail and result in a lower quality video.
The other complication would be the problem of compatibility if we allowed entries on CD, DVD, USB sticks etc. We are taking your suggestions on board.
We appreciate the effort that anyone entering a video is going to make, but it will be well worth it to see your students' masterpiece in the centre of Manchester, Leeds etc.

Here is a 60 second video I shot this morning on the promenade at Hunstanton

Imagine that on a big screen: the quality would be fairly shocking (I know that it's been reduced for YouTube display, so perhaps I'm being slightly disingenuous, but you get the point :) )

For more details on MY WORLD IN 60 SECONDS, check out the GA WEBSITE
