Proboscis and Innovation

Just been re-reading some materials from a conference that was held in 2007.

I got there because of a tip off to a site called PROBOSCISThis was in connection with "public geographies", and there is a lot to explore here.

One of the ideas that I came across was the STORYCUBE, which I immediately liked, and started thinking about how to use it as a pedagogical tool, or as an outcome of a piece of work.

It turned out that it had been used in this conference, which included a contribution from Futurelab. Storycubes were also used in other events. This image shows them being used along with WORDLE.
And a final quote that came from this exploration...

"The ubiquitous presence and utility of ICT in modern life are having a significant impact on the way we live, and even on the notion of an educated person. It has led to the concept of the knowledge society -sometimes also called the learning society or information society. There is a widespread awareness that these developments have profound implications for education, and that schools must change, but as yet little detailed consideration of the extent of the change needed and the advantages that ICT can bring. The growth of the knowledge society and the pervasiveness of the technology represent a major challenge anda major opportunityfor education."
OECD, Learning to Change: ICT in Schools(2001), p.9

•„…change in education may now be thought of as a constant condition, rather than an event‟
Futurelab Literature review: Teachers Learning with Digital Technologies: A review of research and projects, p.507794


The quickest way to innovate is to bring innovative people into your organisation
JAB design

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