An early post on my CULTCHA blog (what do you mean you don't read it ?) referred to Las Vegas.

My boss, David Lambert is one of a group of British geographers who are involved in the Association of American Geographers (AAG) conference in Las Vegas, which takes place from 22nd-27th. The UK Geographers' Panel Session is on Monday. There will also be the world premiere (outside of the GA offices) of a movie that I made... (more on that to come in April)
Wonder if there will be any web content, or delegates producing Twitter updates
from AAG09 (or whatever tag it has)
My interest in Las Vegas was partly because of its previous designation as the "UP AND ATOM" city. This was because people travelled to the city to view the early atomic tests: atomic tourism.
There's an interesting looking book on this topic that I saw on Amazon and also in a bookshop and had a browse.

Earlier today, came across TOUR CHERNOBYL: a company which specialises in day trips into the evacuation zone. Via a TWITTER post from Danny Nicholson, I came across an incredible gallery of images by someone who had taken a tour of the area given by TOUR CHERNOBYL.
Particularly like the fairground images, and abandoned hotel rooms and schools. The FERRIS WHEEL below could make a good starter: why is no-one riding the Ferris wheel ?

Image by BLH from the GRcade Forum
The website also has links to various VIDEOS, such as the one below by Ian Gruber :