Google Earth and beyond...

An article in yesterday's "Education Guardian" mentioned a few of the GA's current projects.
There was a plug for YOUNG PEOPLE's GEOGRAPHIES, particularly the work done in Nottingham.

One exciting trend is encouraging young people to help shape subjects with teachers. As a part of the Young People's Geographies project run by the Geographical Association, key stage 3 pupils from three Nottingham schools used handheld devices to capture their experience of the city's market square. Pupils recorded their own narrative while answering a range of more conventional geographical questions about the area. Elizabeth Barratt, director of humanities at the Nottingham Emmanuel school, says: "They were able to capture places and spaces in a more immediate and personalised manner."

There was also mention for the work that is being done in Rotherham as well, with hand-held devices by Tony Doddsworth and colleagues.
Also interesting to see Barrie Morgan from CENT in Rotherham talking about the podcasting work that he's been doing with a primary school in Rawmarsh.

More on this to come...
