A report by the National Literacy Trust has been making the news today.
As reported on the BBC NEWS website, technology helps to make the children who use it "better writers"..
This is perhaps because they spend longer actually writing, and thinking about audience and purpose.
When I was younger, I used to keep a daily diary, and kept it up for years. If I'd had blogs back then I would certainly have used them. This meant that I had a daily opportunity to write a few hundred carefully chosen words, and construct narratives, select which of the day's events to record, and how; I even had the text version of "widgets" - I used to record additional detail some years, such as what I'd eaten, favourite songs, lessons I'd had at school. I wrote and read voraciously and still try to do that now. I'm sure that means that I find writing relatively easy, and (hopefully) produce text that is easy to read and understand, as well as being sophisticated when I need to be...
The report featured in the article was based on consultations with over 3000 children.