...is just enough to give your kids a starter activity....
Image by Alan Parkinson
Today, at a session for teachers in Cambridge, I used another sweet treat as a way of starting off some thinking...
Hand out a Cadbury's miniature and eat it.. if geography is a flavour, then what flavours are coming through....Image by Alan Parkinson
Some of the suggestions from the colleagues who attended my session included:
Cadbury's takeover: cultural globalisation...
Pit villages have been case studies, how about chocolate towns
Fieldtrip to Bournville and Cadbury World
Packaging - recyclable ? purpose ?
Branding - advertising ? (Cadbury's have some very successful ads such as the drumming gorilla - also the colour Purple been used...)
Ingredients - farming and Fairtrade
Industrial change
Health and obesity...
What else can you come up with ?