This is the first of a series of posts related to my first major festival-going experience (although it'll be followed fairly quickly by a second... more on that later...
The map of the site is above.
For the week that the festival runs (including the days before and after...) a small city of people descends on Worthy Farm.
There are lots of potential links with GEOGRAPHY, and I know that there is already a resource on the Action Plan for Geography funded GTT website which is about Mapping Festivals (Glastonbury in particular) and also have an excellent scheme of work based on LATITUDE.
My tickets arrived...
You can follow the festival on TWITTER....
Glastonbury have realised the academic interest and provided an information download page on the official website.
The Guerilla Geography workshops will introduce some younger people to some of the key geographical concepts, and also the fun of exploration...
Geography means "writing the Earth" and there are millions of stories to be captured...