On your bike..

Image from HERE - with thanks....
Some new resources for Primary colleagues have just been added onto the GA website.

The resources are called MAP IT, BIKE IT, WALK IT, and have been developed by a Sheffield SUSTRANS group in association with the GA.

Here's a brief description of the project.

The project was piloted in Sheffield in 2010. The lesson plans and resources included in this section will help you to adopt and adapt this project for your own school.

The school catchment area is something that occupies a large part of a young person's personal geography. It contains their own home, the homes of their friends, shops and services that they use, spaces that they play in, clubs that they may be part of and of course the school that they go to. Then there are the places that connect all these together, spaces that may be just passed through or experienced in many different ways.
Because of this familiarity, not to mention the practical reasons, the area around your school is a great place to get outside and explore students' personal and emotional geographies. Whenever possible let the work be student-led, as this will make it more informative and enjoyable for everyone.

Why not check out the resources and see how you could make use of them with the students that you work with.
