Bottomfeeder and Shark's Fins

Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of interest in all things fishy... and sustainable...
Image by Alan Parkinson

This was part of the FISH FIGHT campaign, initiated  by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall. It has been a great success. The website, which takes a similar format to Hugh's earlier Landshare and Chicken campaigns, has a counter recording the number of people who have pledged to join the campaign. One of the main aspects of the campaign is against something called DISCARD.
Fishing boats are given a quota for certain species as part of the Common Fisheries Policy. If a fishing boat lands any fish of a particular species which takes them over this quota they are fined. This means that once a boat has caught its quota of haddock (for example),
According to The Guardian article here, there has been a resulting surge in demand for fish from sustainable courses, or from bycatch species.
Watch Hugh's short movie on discard:

Of course, my blogs have always been well ahead of the game.
Back in July 2008, I blogged about Taras Grescoe's book BOTTOMFEEDER.

This book features many of the issues that the FISH FIGHT campaign also covered, including the Shark Fin trade investigated by Gordon Ramsay.
