Alex's over-dubs...

Earlier in the week, I was in Sheffield for a RUSH concert (I may have mentioned it at the time...)
They played a track called 'Marathon' from the album 'Power Windows' which was recorded at AIR STUDIOS on Montserrat. The band's guitarist, Alex Lifeson, recorded his guitar parts there.
Montserrat was then subject to a major volcanic eruption, which rumbled on for several years, and resulted in the evacuation of large part of the island.

A visit by a photographer to the studios provided a sad reminder of the impact of the eruption on the southern half of the island.

For two more useful Montserrat links
a) check out Noel Jenkins' "OFSTED busting" simulation lesson
b) see the Leeds GA Branch webpage for two recent presentations on volcanic activity on the island

The impact of the volcano are still ongoing years after it started erupting: another reminder of how long tectonic hazards can persist (here, for example is a diary of some of the after effects of the Christchurch earthquake)
