Water brings problems...

Either too little... which is becoming a real problem for local farmers, although we've just had a few sharp showers (not nearly enough yet though...)

Image by Alan Parkinson - taken in a field close to home...

or too much (as in the case with the Mississippi floods that I blogged about earlier...)

This GUARDIAN article explains more about the issue of food and the link with prices

This link to the importance of water is brought into focus when you consider this development: the planned Tiger Woods golf resort in Dubai...

The Guardian article makes excellent use of Maplecroft Maps, which have sort of been 'forgotten' a little perhaps in the various

Too much water is also a problem. Three Gorges Dam was in the news earlier this week due to problems which were perhaps inevitable...

From the 1st of June, you have a chance to take part in the Great British Weather Experiment.
You can make your own rain gauge using a 2 litre pop or water bottle following the instructions in this PDF

And the weather forecast for tomorrow is..... heavy rain....
