Favelas: the up-side...

Just been editing some material for a forthcoming textbook, and it painted a rather gloomy picture of life in the favelas of Brazil. 
Of course it doesn't always have to be that way...

You could start with this image:

How would you use this image in the classroom ?
Vigidal Favela, Rio de Janeiro: Photo by Felipe Menegaz/Wikimedia Creative Commons License

This article in The Rio Times provides a useful starter for discussions on the more positive aspects of life, to counterbalance the general view of life in them.

The favelas are also in the firing line when it comes to preparations for the 2014 World Cup finals.
Several favelas have been cleared, or are scheduled to be cleared, with over a million people apparently due to be affected, as this Guardian article explains (complete with a useful video)

As you would expect, there are some more links that can be obtained from a range of sources.
This Guardian article looks at the pacification of favelas.
