Less than a month to go...

I have less than a month to go before I finish my employment with the Geographical Association, after three years of supporting geography teachers around the country and into Europe, and getting involved in a huge variety of projects, writing, CPD events, school support and numerous other geographically related things.

My plans are coming together quite nicely, in the short term, and I am very grateful to those colleagues, organisations, companies and other folks who are helping me by offering a range of interesting jobs and potential projects to get involved with.

At the end of the month I shall be posting what I think are the most useful / entertaining / important moments or contributions made over the last three years and also sharing some of the things that I'm going to be doing with my time.

Calender image from Just Calendar


AnneG said…
You will be missed! :-(
AnneG said…
You will be missed! :-(