Teachshare 2: Curriculum Making for KS3 (and 2 probably)

Join me at 7pm tonight online for a brief introduction to CURRICULUM MAKING.
I will talk for about 15-20 minutes, followed by some discussion on the role of teachers in designing the curriculum.

Small guide here

You can do some READING UP in advance if you have the time...

Also scroll down the blog for the link through to a replay of last week's event...


LindyM said…
Any chance you could post the reminder invite the day before? - I missed this one tonight. I am so cross with myself.
LindyM said…
Any chance you could post the reminder invite the day before? I missed tonight's and am so cross with myself.
Alan Parkinson said…
I normally would, but was out all day and had no chance this time round.
Replay link will be posted.

Next Teachshare by me will be on the 8th of November, and called 'Writing on the Map', looking at literacy activities