Developing a personalised learning network (PLN)

How's your PLN ?

  • How do you use Twitter to connect with colleagues and inform your teaching and learning ?
  • Where do you turn for inspiration / information and that 'special' resource that you need ?
  • How do you use collaborative documents or blogs to 'crowdsource' ideas and develop pedagogy
  • How do you keep track of curriculum change - which is going to be on the way again...
  • Do you make use of apps for mobile devices, or web apps ?
  • Do you have a VLE ? (All schools should) - is it just a filing cabinet or is it used by students and staff ?
You will get the chance to see a range of resources, and explore all these areas, and take away a range of materials and ideas to take our network to the next level...

The course will be run by Dave Holmes and myself, and we will focus on sharing the sessions according to each other's personal experience and expertise.

Delegates will also have access to a Posterous blog which will be set up in advance of, and maintained after, the session. 

For more details on the course, and to book a place...
Developing a personalised learning network (PLN)
