NQT Conference

"I’ve huge respect for the many outstanding state schools in this country and the brilliant new generation of teachers coming to work in them."
David Cameron
November 2011
On Thursday this week, I caught the early train down to London for the GA's NQT Conference.
This was one of two proposed events, of which only one ran in the end, which was a pity, as I'm sure the delegates who attended would confirm that it was a really positive day. We were at the MIC near Euston, and talked about tales from the classroom, Mission:Explore, classroom resources, assessments and other current developments in curriculum and pedagogy.
Spent a while exploring the area.
A reminder to the delegates about the new NQT GEOGRAPHY blog, which was set up for you, and that you have all been added as contributors. There have already been some additions. Feel free to add posts, attach resources and comment on existing posts.
Thanks once again to all the delegates for their contributions on the day.

Would be good to see some student work on there too...

Image: Alan Parkinson
