ESRI ArcGIS Explorer

ESRI's free ArcGIS Explorer has been mentioned here before

The ability to create a map using POSTCODES is an extra feature which will be of particular interest to students as it enables them to create a map very simply.
I will produce a guide to how to do this over Christmas...

ESRI have also produced a FREE ONLINE COURSE called :
Teaching with GIS: an introduction to using GIS in the Classroom

You'll need to register (FREE) for an ESRI GLOBAL ACCOUNT, which will allow you to login to the course.

This is a tool which I think will be a good solution for many teachers wanting to make use of ESRI mapping, and there is also a useful National Geographic base map layer which can be added.

The ArcGIS Explorer Online was used to produce a presentation as part of the GA's ongoing involvement in the development of the new KS3 Geography Curriculum.
