Going Beyond - the latest journey pushes the limits...

A few years ago, the Royal Geographical Society started to offer their annual bursary, which includes some funding, and the loan of a Land Rover to a project which involves people GOING BEYOND.

The Geography Collective put in an application in that first year to turn the Land Rover into a spaceship, and to land in various communities and explore, along with the help of a long list of geographers who signed up to work with us for a day or two. I've also blogged about, and met, several of the previous recipients of the award.

This year's winner is Andy Campbell and he is heading off on a year-long journey...
Watch this VIMEO video for a flavour of what he's getting up to, and his background...

Follow the PUSHING THE LIMITS journey.

Also sign up to follow the team on Twitter @PTL2012

The journey will involve the following....
The route is split between two consecutive legs; UK to China and then Alaska to Chile. I will leave the UK and cross Europe by wheelchair, handcycle, kayak and paraglider. Following The Danube from it’s source in Austria to the Black Sea and Ukraine before heading onward to China, passing through Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Shipping the support vehicle, equipment and team members from China to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska the expedition will continue down to the Southern tip of Chile through The Americas.
Its route, distance and method of travel make it a truly unique expedition never before attempted that will hold many challenges along the way, some highlights include:
  • Crossing the English Channel by kayak.
  • Source-to-Sea navigation of The Danube.
  • Paragliding across Kazakhstan.
  • Kite-buggying across the Gobi Desert.
  • Crossing the Great Wall of China in a wheelchair.
  • Avoiding bears whilst handcycling through Alaska.
  • Kayaking the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to The Gulf of Mexico.
  • Pushing a wheelchair through Central America on the Pan-American Highway.
  • Crossing the DariĆ©n Gap.
  • Reaching Tierra del Fuego, the southern most tip of South America.

An epic challenge by a brave man battling to help people and make a difference” – Bear Grylls
