War on Terror: the app...

The rather wonderful illustrations in the Mission:Explore books and web resources are produced by Tom Morgan-Jones.
Before he joined the Geography Collective as its resident inker, Tom was (and still is) involved with Terror Bull Games, who produced the 'controversial' board game 'War on Terror'.
War on Terror the app is now available to download from the app store...

Here are my (overdue) thoughts...
The app has some groovy music and intro. There's a handy tutorial which takes you through the game play the first time round. This was useful for me, as I'd never played the game myself, although I'd seen it on various folks' shelves.
It's also been a while since I played a strategy game like Risk or Diplomacy.

The music and graphics were pretty cool and I was into the game fairly quickly.
There is an irreverence about the game that makes it very likeable. It's a game that surprises with every turn, and is certainly a step up from Angry Birds.
One to pass the time if you're waiting for a tram in the rain...
