Welcome to my American visitors

This week I noticed something about my visitor statistics....

There's been a steady growth in the number of people coming from the United States, and for the first time, according to Google Analytics there are now more regular visitors from the USA than from the UK to the LivingGeography blog.

This is quite interesting. If you're visiting from the USA please let me know what you're finding most useful. Perhaps it was the National Geographic Education Geography Awareness Week materials for 2011 which I co-wrote that brought you here ?

The 2012 materials are now live on the website by the way .... a blog post on those coming up soon ...

I'm always more than happy to pop over the Atlantic and work with geography educators.... If you can think of a way to make it happen, get in touch :)

Oh, and welcome to all visitors from whatever country you're from. People from well over 100 countries have visited the blog...
