Refugee Week: Different Pasts Shared Future

It's important to try to tie in with relevant events when teaching.
One of the most important issues to consider with students is the impact of migration.

This week is Refugee Week, which explores the lives of those who have been forced to move.
Not all migration is forced, and quite a few schools in the UK will have students on roll who are refugees, or whose parents were. I taught a few students who fell into that category over the years. They had a different perspective on their time in the classroom.
One thing to remember when teaching about migration is that it is nothing news.

As part of Refugee Week a very useful pictorial timeline of events over the centuries has been produced. A reminder that this is not a new issue... and is one that affects large numbers of people.

The tagline for the week: Different Pasts, Shared Future would also make a good title for a unit on migration.
