Half term...

So, I've managed to survive the first half term back in teaching...
I've taught about 100 lessons or so. Some of them were quite good I reckon.
I've drunk a lot of coffee and had thousands more conversations than I would normally have in that space of time.
A few moments to remember:
- assemblies in Ely Cathedral and listening to the choristers on various occasions
- GCSE Geography fieldtrip to Flatford Mill, with a wander around Ipswich exploring the dock development and some amusing conversations and encounters
- trying, and succeeding in getting Apple TV working when my projector bulb went in the middle of an observation
- making use of iPads - learnt a lot about workflow and device management, which I'll be putting into some materials for some courses I'm running from December onwards
- back to being on the other side of the desk for Parents' evenings
- some creative moments from students, particularly the penguin and killer whale animations for the Encyclopaedia Antarctica, and some of the cities in boxes.
- overheard being called an 'awesome teacher'... at least I think that's what they said...
- enthusiastic audiences for various events, and good lessons on Shackleton's boat trip, and 'Touching the Void'

I'm not sure I've been 'Outstanding' that often (apart from when I'm on duty in the playground) but it's been interesting how quickly I got into the routines, and also how quickly the term has gone so far.

Thanks to the students at King's Ely, and my new colleagues, particularly my HoD Claire.

Follow the story over at my teaching blog: Geography Teacher 2 point 0
