New curriculum...

On the first half day of half term, of which more later, I headed down to London for the Secondary Phase Committee meeting of the Geographical Association.

I always love meeting up with a group of wonderful and excellent teachers who challenge me professionally... and laugh at my jokes...
In addition to planning our three workshops for the conference next year (I'm doing a short input into one of our workshops on literacy) we also talked about the new curriculum plans.
We are all going to be writing about our plans for the new curriculum in 2014. Mine have been shared over on my new teaching blog, but will also draw them together again in a further blog post next week...

The redoubtable Simon Renshaw has been quick off the mark, and has already posted his planning and inspirations up on the Soar Geography blog, and it sets a very high standard for the rest of us to follow.

Read it HERE and get ahead of the game...
