Geographies of the Great War...

Somebody was asking recently about any geographical resources related to the Great War.  

The Centenary of the start of World War I will be marked by a whole host of history-based programmes, magazines, books, educational materials and events and trips to the area where the trenches and main battles were located.

But what about the geography of the War?
How did geographies play a part in the conflict?

I've created a Google Drive document which is embedded below. Please get in touch via Twitter or Comment or other method if you'd like to be added as a contributor to this document, and you'll be able to edit and add your own ideas to what I hope will be a collaborative resource...

 This is only a working draft as a starting point and is far from finished...

There's plenty more that could be added e.g. countries, maps, poetry and model making...

I look forward to seeing your ideas...
