Earlier this week, the Greater London National Park website was launched, with the idea that London should be the first urban National Park. There's been a lot of support for the idea, and interesting debate.
If you're a student you can take part in the Student Challenge
If you're a student you can take part in the Student Challenge
What if London was a National Park?
Our Student Challenge is to respond to this question in a creative way. We will be posting the best responses in a public gallery on this website.
To take part simply follow these three steps.
1. Think
Think deeply about the reasons for and against London becoming a National Park. Do some research and explore this website, especially ourvision page.
- Do you think an entire city can be a National Park?
- How would London change if it became a National Park?
- What would be the benefits for people who live outside of London?
- Who, what and where would be affected by these changes?
- What could London be like 5, 10 or 50 years from now?
You can think about these questions from different points of view and scales. The opinion of a city banker who lives in a penthouse apartment will probably be different from a suburban garden hedgehog.
2. Create
Make something visual to respond to the question. It could focus on a particular animal, plant, place or issue. You could:
- draw a picture,
- create a map,
- write a poem,
- make a short film,
- build a model,
- annotate set of photographs,
- or something else entirely.
3. Share
Once you are done take a good quality photograph or scan what you have done. Email it to us at imagine@greaterlondonnationalpark.org.uk. We will look at all of the submissions and publish the best ones to a public gallery on this website. We will treat all submissions as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives unless you tell us otherwise