New guidance on subject content for AS and A2 Geography

Following a consultation process, new 'AS' and 'A level' Subject content has been released.

I was familiar with quite a lot of this as I serve on the OCR Subject Consultative Forum, and we had a number of very useful presentations at recent meetings.

Nick Gibb's speech is here, where he announced the new content for a range of subjects, including Geography.

By giving university academics a leading role, we are making sure that these qualifications will provide students with the skills and knowledge needed for progression to undergraduate study. I am grateful to ALCAB for their expert advice, and I am accepting their recommendations... in geography, content has been updated to reflect the approaches to geography taken by universities and geographical organisations, with a better balance between physical and human geography

The new specifications developed from this content will be taught for the first time from September 2016

Download the subject content here (PDF download link)

Some thoughts on the new content to come later... already plenty of people on Twitter giving their view.


The Geographical Association have put up a very useful page very quickly, impressive.

The RGS-IBG have also been quick in providing a statement on their position

The new A Level, to be taught from September 2016, builds in good progression from content at GCSE, and is relevant both to students who end their geographical studies at A Level and to those who pursue studies at university in geography and a range of other subjects.
The Society strongly supports the introduction of an independent investigation at A Level, which will develop students’ fieldwork and geographical skills as well as help prepare them for progression on to higher education. The identification of a ‘minimum requirement’ for fieldwork at AS and A Level will strengthen fieldwork in many schools. 
