OSIRIS Geography Conference

Details of the latest OSIRIS Geography Conference has now been added to the Staffroom magazine which is sent out by OSIRIS.
It is taking place in London in June, and you're very welcome to come and join the fun.

I'll be presenting some ideas and resources along with Bob Digby (who's organising the event), David Holmes and Louise Price.

There are several workshops that will run through the day, so I'll be covering a few topics and working with groups of delegates during the day.

My topics are on engaging geography (which is something we should have no problem with given that we have geography to go at...), inspiring teaching (which I preferred as a term to 'Outstanding', which I'm definitely not - except when on fieldwork and I'm outstanding by a river...) and geographical enquiry...

Which reminds me that I need to get cracking on those sessions as they'll be mostly new ones...
