Unique, and beautiful...

A month or two ago, I was using my favourite Watercolour filter tool by Stamen maps to produce some maps for an event I was talking at.
I'm also a fan of the Toner map for creating basic black and white maps which are good for colouring in.

I then came across the Map is Art website on Facebook, and their website.
I like their tagline of 'a passion for place' and 'design you own'
This is the work of Trip Wolfskehl and colleagues.

They use the Stamen mapping to create fabrics and other items which are completely bespoke. I got into a conversation with Trip and we discussed maps and various other things and went to and fro with the design before I was happy with it, and a few weeks later I received some rather wonderful things in the post... and became possibly one of the first in the UK to own a tie (and scarf present for my wife, but don't tell her yet....)
The tie is of my school's location with the grounds, and the cathedral... to wear for special events...

The products are of a very good quality, but are not cheap.... I managed to get a bit of a deal because, well, because I'm a famous geographer... ;)

Stamen Watercolour maps are now available as a base layer in ArcGIS Online for institutional subscribers - for more on OS maps and ESRI ArcGIS, see my next post, which is a review of the ESRI UK Annual Conference.
