CILT UK - a new resource with the GA coming soon...

I've just finished my latest writing project.
This time, it was a resource for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) in association with the Geographical Association. 

CILT's conference is currently taking place, and the twitter stream is creating some interesting ideas for following up. Logistics is an area which is providing a range of options for employment, and is a real growth area. It's also an area which has a real connection with Geography. Location is vital to logistics, as are

There are 8 lessons which are fully resourced, and mirror the 8 professional sectors within which CILT operates.

I'll let you know when, where and in what format the final resource is published and made available....

For more Careers based resources, check out the GA's iCOULD page, which links to some short videos of people talking about how geography connects with their career.
