Erasmus opportunity

Chris Smart from TeachitGeography shared an image from EdEurope.

They are offering the chance to get involved in an ERASMUS+ K2 Action partnership, which is an opportunity to gain funding to support projects.

I have been involved in these projects for many years now, through EuroGeo, of which I'm a member, and there are few UK schools taking advantage of the funding, which adds up to billions of Euros every year, compared to schools in other EU countries. My school is also involved in a project called MOOS.
This organisation is co-ordinating training, but also hosting meetings which will then lead to applications for funding. These are by no means guaranteed to result in success. Last year, I was involved in four applications, of which one was given funding. There are also some applications which have been submitted several times.
May be worth sending an e-mail if it sounds of interest to you.
