GA Conference 2016 - post 4 of 13

At the first break, I got the chance to hold mocked up copies of the books I've been working on for over 18 months.

There are several of them.

The largest was the AS / A level book that I've been both editing and co-writing for Cambridge University Press for the AQA specification.

I've been rewriting the chapter on Place this week too. This was accompanied by the 2 GCSE books that I've co-written for Hodder. These are for the OCR 'A' and 'B' specs, with the latter book coming out first, as it's the most popular of the 2 specs that OCR are offering I understand. I've also worked on a range of supporting materials for the books as well. Exciting times.

I will let you know as soon as they are published, and full available for sale, and include all the relevant weblinks as well.

They can be pre-ordered of course from the publishers' websites.
