Would suit a Primary expert…
Primary Curriculum Leader
The Geographical Association is seeking a dynamic and passionate primary geography specialist to take a lead on our curriculum and professional development work. You’ll be an expert in geography education and have your finger on the pulse when it comes to professional development and professional networking. You’ll be knowledgeable about curriculum change, effective teaching strategies and subject leadership in the primary phase, have recent classroom experience and a proven track record in raising achievement through educational projects and initiatives. Above all you’ll share the GA’s views on the importance of geography in education and have the drive and vision to support the GA’s charitable mission to ‘further geographical knowledge and understanding through education’.
The GA is the leading subject association for all teachers of geography. It is a thriving community of practice with an unrivalled understanding of geography education. The GA provides support for professionals through its journals, publications, training events and other activities. It gives a voice to geography education and exerts a significant influence on public debate and policy. Whilst much of the Association’s work and support is based in England and Wales, its reach across the geographical education community internationally is significant.
Part-time post (0.4-0.6 FTE) - salary range £38,260 –£44,402 (pro rata)
Closing date for applications: 12 noon, Tuesday 3 May 2016