Living the Geography of #Brexit

So, we're all LivingGeography and this week potentially changed history.

A lot of coverage on social media, and some maps and demographic data are emerging to connect with a range of geographical themes.

Most geographical concepts are tied in to the idea of connectivity and interdependence, and it's difficult to see the advantages of uncertainty after years of recession and austerity which have certainly affected me negatively in many ways. The origins of the referendum, the campaign, the use of emotive 'promises' on the NHS, the drop in the value of the pound and economic impact and the link to migration had a certain inevitability about them. I was interested to speak to colleagues at work who had voted for either side, and the reasons they'd given. It's difficult to see how globalisation and the movement of people across the world will be changed in a positive way by the potential upheaval to come. It was also ironic to see Cornwall asking for reassurances that it will still get funding to support it - without EU money there would have been a lot fewer opportunities over the last decade - and yet the people of Cornwall voted to leave. There's a big park in Ely that was funded with EU money, and doubtless those little EU flags and plaques explaining funding are in lots of places if you choose to look for them. Time to revisit this perhaps.

Where I live, there was a strong leave vote, and as I came home from work yesterday, somebody was actually drilling holes for mounting union jacks on the tops of the gate posts either side of their drive. Where I work in Fenland, the vote was also strong to leave by 3 to 1.

The BBC has shared a range of useful infographics.

A few relevant tweets from the thousands I noticed over the last few days:

And this from David Blunkett

And finally, a map shared on ArcGIS Online
And a discussion topic from Russel Tarr, and a link to a petition which is (at the time of writing) up over 1.3 million signatures.

I'm off to Salzburg and the Alentejo region of Portugal in the next 3 weeks… will be interesting to see the reaction there…

OK, as you were, back to resources and ideas for teaching now...
