Keep pedalling Ollie...

Ollie Bray is spending the next month cycling across America from West to East solo. He's already done it from South to North…

You can follow Ollie on the tracker HERE. He's just set off from the quayside in Washington State.
The route he's (roughly) going to be following is shown below.

As Ollie says:

Heading to Yorktown (Virginia) and then home through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Virginia.
Honestly, what could go wrong with the following extremely detailed logistical itinerary (masterminded in the last 24hrs...). Basically, head generally West. Then, everyday when it’s light cycle as far as you can. When it gets dark cycle with you bike lights a bit further. Sleep anywhere you can, at any time of the day but aim to clear 160 miles in each 24 period (this doesn’t include the first and last day and allows a day for a full bike service mid trip).
US pals if I’m passing your house please feed me beer and M&Ms A shower would also be nice. Laundry would be a bonus as I only have one set of clothes!

A great adventure which I'll be following through the summer.
